
As a member of Glenview Squares, your annual membership dues will cover your attendance at club dances and so much more. You are invited to serve as an Angel at lessons, attend special members-only events, help out at our dances and lend a hand (and your talents) by taking part in committees or stepping up to the Board of Directors. Glenvew Squares members are also eligible for financial assistance for square dance-related activities through our Grant Fund.

As you can see from the illustration, club dances and events are the tip of the “square dance iceberg.” It takes many people working behind the scenes for our club to thrive. To find out how you can help, contact our club President.

For a Glenview Squares membership application or list of club members, please contact Membership Chair Cheryl Yenter,

board of directors meetings


The Glenview Square Dance Club Board meets five times a year. All members are invited to attend.
Meeting dates are listed on the CALENDAR. Minutes of the meetings are available to all members. Please contact Recording Secretary Jane Atkinson,, to make sure your contact info is on the Minutes Email/Mail List.

Board meetings dates 2024-2025

Please mark your calendars now for these Saturday Board meetings, held via Zoom unless otherwise indicated. Club members are welcome to attend.

  • Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025

  • Saturday, March 22, 2025

  • Saturday, June 14, 2025


Members are encouraged to become an Angel in order to help at lessons. This is a great way to get to know our newest dancers and brush up on your skills at the same time. For more information contact Lessons Coordinators Candace & Dennis Risen,



Click <here> or on the image to view our bylaws.

Club Dances

Club dances are generally held the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month from September through May (No dance this year on September 2). Summer dances take place once a month June through August and are scheduled based on caller availability. See the CALENDAR page for dates and locations.

The dances alternate between tips of Social Square Dance (SSD) and Plus levels, starting with an SSD tip.

Admission fees to club dances are included in your membership. Members must sign in at the check-in desk at each dance.