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 for and by men

Many men are hesitant to dance or even learn to dance,
so we have compiled a few items that may help ease that reluctance.

marching band vs square dancing

Essay by new dancer Tom LoPresti, Glenview Squares

March 2019 - I am new to square dancing. The other night, I started thinking about why I like this new activity so much. At first, I couldn’t figure it out. It seemed like there was nothing that I had done before that was anything like this. The dancers are a welcoming bunch. Friendly and supportive, but there was something more…

Then it hit me: marching band. In high school, I really enjoyed the experience and had a great time. It changed my life. And, as it turns out, there are more similarities between marching band performances and square dancing than I thought. In marching band, you need to memorize your movements on the football field in order to perform effectively. In square dancing, you need to memorize the calls to dance effectively. In marching band, you need to move to the beat of the music - eight steps (beats) for every five yards on the football field, and in square dancing, four beats to move through each side of a Grand Square.

You are told what to do, and do not question the marching band director or caller. In marching band, everyone around you is constantly moving in different directions, making formations or patterns, that flow in and out of each other. And in square dancing, every movement is choreographed to the pace of the music, or by the timing of the caller. In both activities, there is structure and precision - and yet an effortless feel to the movement. Whether it’s a line to a slant, an arc to a line, or a roll away with a half sashay. Each person has a role to play, and there’s a great feeling of accomplishment, when it all comes together in the end. You have contributed. You’ve done well, and you feel the satisfaction and fellowship of being part of a great group of people.

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Advice for men who aren’t convinced they should square dance

Check out this letter, penned by Bruce Holmes, aimed at men who may be hesitating over the idea of learning to Square Dance. Women attempting to persuade their Significant Others to try Square Dancing may also find the advice useful.


How one man was dragged kicking and screaming into square dancing and came to love it. Click on his picture to the left for his story.

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